you are the "I hate you so bad" happy bunny. You hate everyone and eveything and your not ashamed of it.
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by Quizilla
True ! Haha.
I was so bored that after playing with my cat, thinking about my futur, watching TV and other basic teenager's stuff, i read Sijeka's blog.
There i read a wonderful post (as always. Haha) and i discover THIS.
That's how i know that :
- If i would be a LOTR character i would be Leogolas (i like that)
- If prefer LOTR than Harry Potter (err...ok)
- I'm the perfect guy for her (they all say that)
- I'm form O Phoenix ( i know that)
- I'll be a lost soul
- I have a dominant kiss (wait .. what the f***)
- Blablabla
- Whatever
- And so on ...
kool, eh ? *sigh*
Coluche says : There is two kinds of lawyer : those who know the law and those who know the judge !
How could i work after knowing that, uh ?
TADA !!! that's the first post of my new blog !!