style="margin-top:50px; Sure.Fine.Whatever.
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.:AbOuT Me:.

European Law student, G. does not know what this is all about
sure.fine.whatever at gmail dot com



Tony Pierce

European Queerness

Cut the shit



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    Hatred is a feeling that only exists in the lack of intelligence.



    Yesterday night I went to the discotheque : the Zoostation that we finally found !
    I became aware that we, humans, have a strange 'tradition' here. I mean you're on a stage with lots of people that you don't know, touching them - intentionally or not, and you move your body on vibrations ... weird ... but so BOILING ! LOL
    Anyway, the beginning of the night was calm, people arrived but nobody wanted to dance first. And then more and more of people started to dance. So we were dancing on POP/HIP HOP music when the music stopped and the light switched off.
    An kind of alarm start ringing, the music began... RAGGA. It became a real orgy of students (a lot of law student by the way), believe me it was like the scene where everyone was dancing in the cave in Matrix.

    There were people of everywhere : a girl with a very very moulding white trousers and a black G-string disgusting, a very ugly girl that start dancing like a whore with that bar ya know that is usually used for striptease, thousand of ugly men, 6-7 cute supposed-to-be-gay men, a wonderful Latino girl: a goddess, and so on. Ho and the waiter and the waitress were also good looking.

    So this was my night, simple but great... and I was so happy to find that discotheque it's like a revenge !


    Hey so I'm finally in week-end so that's cool.

    Monday, at the university, I was walking with D. and A. toward the amphitheatre when D. suddenly 'slides'. So we laugh and continue to walk when D. says : ''Ho I've broken the tiling'', she then looked behind her and says : '' It's my heel !!! ''
    Her left heel was broken so her left shoes was completely unusable, so for the rest of the day she tried to stay sat so no one could see her shoes. That was so funny.

    Wenesday, because I'm in the first year in university I've got to go to the medical service of the university so they can check if I'm not sick because 'a good student is a student in good health' that's their motto. ( yeah pathetic ).
    So then the doctor ask me some questions to see if I'm not a I-want-to-commit-suicide teenager and how do I feel with law ? So I've said, like all the students said before, that I fail my 'civil' because I've got 3/20. And that BITCH wrote difficult start as appreciations. Now for the rest of my course I will be the guy who had a difficult start ... Fuck !

    Thursday, sick so sick !!!!! But Jess says that I'm better when I'm sick so...

    That's all !! I've got more things to say but ... ya know ...



    It's the first time that I've got a lots of things to write about but I don't know why I can't express my self.
    It's really really REALLY get on my nerves so we'll see this week-end.


    mouhahahhaah look at that game Buch shoot out

    I've thought that my life will become more interesting since I'm at university now. And it's still not that. I mean of course I met new people, I do other things but I would say that it's another form of boring.
    When I read other blogs or hear people's story they seem to have wonderful life, exiting. They always have something to say/write. Ho god I just want to live my life in a way that rocks ya know !
    Arg ... Whatever this was my lament of the day.

    Talking about other people I don't know what is their problem with homosexuality and sex in general.
    For instance, there is a gay couple in my old high school and some people say that they are shocked just because they are kissing each other in front of everyone ... Com'on we're in the 21st century.
    Otherwise, when you talk about sex with your friends they look at you like if you're an alien or something.
    I mean it's no more a taboo, sex is life no ?




    Hey I was thinking about what I've written (below) and it seems like if I'm a depressive teenager who hates everyone. It's not that, it is just I didn't expect that plus the fact my parents really really REALLY get on my nerves.
    Whatever, the positive thing of the day is that my friends are here for me, for example my best friend phone me today like if she knew there is something which makes me mad.

    Talking about friendship, we were talking about sex, threesome exactly, with Jess when she says: No it's better if there is only you and me because I can laugh !. Best sentence ever.

    Song that makes me feel better at this moment 'cuz it makes me smile : OUTKAST- HEY YA.

    I just have the result of my exams, I pass everything except 'Civil' 3/20 and 'Constitutional' 6/20 !
    Ho did I mention that I'm in law and if you haven't got 10 in this two subjects you can't get your year !!
    So see how so fucking boring my life is : first girls say to me OK Bye Bye, and then I totally failed and ruined my life !
    Isn't life beautiful ?


    Ok what is your problem girls ? No seriously I didn't understand you. There were that girl that I like and she said that she likes me too. So, I was happy and pretty sure she could become my girlfriend and then I became sick so I didn't go to the university for one week and when I come back she says that she falls in love with that blond ugly man ! That's all !
    So, if I sum up : first she says ''okay let's doing something together but you have to wait 'cuz I'm not ready'' and then, about a month later, I'm not here for one week and it become ''fuck, you were too long so I take another guy (that already have a girl friend)!!"
    Girls suck ... really !


    Hey !!
    I'm sorry I didn't post since a long time but I'm not in a good moon ! You know when everything is against you plus your parents really get on you nerves you're quite ... tense !!!
    Anyway, my bithday disguised party was great not like I wish it would be but cool nevertheless. Maybe I will post some pictures !
    Okay I will post something more interesting later, that's enough for today, I know it's short so sorry to you who read that ... if there is a you who read that !

    PS: I became aware that girls are bisexual by nature and guys by defect.