style="margin-top:50px; Sure.Fine.Whatever.
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.:AbOuT Me:.

European Law student, G. does not know what this is all about
sure.fine.whatever at gmail dot com



Tony Pierce

European Queerness

Cut the shit



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    - It's strange I've realized that few people know me, REALLY know me. And it's all the more strange that those people didn't know me since a long time if you see what I mean.
    - I wanna see Jess 'cuz I want to talk with her.
    - I've got an e-friendship that counts for me as a 'real friendship'.
    - People are surprised when I say that my favorite group is THE ROLLING STONES, and I don't know why.
    - I'm sure people think I'm a fag or a fag hag because I always say that gays make better parties and are more 'open'.
    - I love cats ! *lol
    - I need to be in a relationship, not to find my 'significant other' but a relationship ... see ?
    - If you read this you can say I like you.
    - ...


    I know it's in french but ... I'm french so :

    Le Petit Pierre revient de l'école et demande à son père :
    "Papa, j'aurais besoin de tes lumières.
    Pourrais-tu me parler de la politique ?
    J'ai un devoir à rendre pour demain."
    Après un instant de réflexion, son père lui répond:
    "Bien, je pense que la meilleure méthode pour t'expliquer tout cela est de faire une analogie avec
    notre famille.
    Je suis le capitalisme car je nourris la famille.
    Ta mère est le gouvernement car elle contrôle chaque chose.
    La bonne est la classe ouvrière car elle travaille pour nous.
    Toi, tu es le peuple et ton petit frère, c'est la future génération.
    En espérant que cela puisse t'aider pour ton devoir."
    "Merci Papa, dit le Petit Pierre. Je ne comprends pas tout mais je vais y réfléchir."
    Dans la nuit, le Petit Pierre est réveillé par les cris de son frère.
    Il constate que ses couches sont sales.
    Il se rend dans la chambre de ses parents et essaie de réveiller sa mère sans succès.
    Il remarque que la place de son père est vide.
    Il retrouve son père au lit avec la bonne. En désespoir de cause, il retourne se coucher.
    Le matin suivant, au petit déjeuner, il dit à son père :
    "Papa, je crois que cette nuit, j'ai tout compris à la politique."
    "Excellent mon garçon. Et qu'as-tu compris ?"
    "J'ai appris que le capitalisme baise la classe ouvrière tandis que le gouvernement roupille, ignorant le
    peuple et laissant la génération future dans la merde."


    I don't know why YOU, the girls, analyze everything. I mean when a guy says something or writes something to you, the first thing you do if to find what is the real meaning of the message. SO here are some advice :
    - Yes is yes and not maybe !
    - No is no and nothing else.
    - Maybe is maybe and not no !
    - We can forgot to say 'see ya' or 'bye bye' and that doesn't mean we did't want to see you again.
    - Sometimes we just say/write words that we don't understand but we know that you'll be happy to hear/read them so don't ask questions because you can be disappointed of the answer!

    Yeah ok bye that was Dr G on S.F.W FM !!



    Yeah I know I've already did it but I don't know why me and the other 150 people in my head feel blasé today so you will understand my ''non-envy'' to write.


    No sense :

    - People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".
    - When something is 'new and improved!'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything
    before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it.
    - When people say "life is short". What the f*ck?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever f*cking does!! What can you do that's longer?
    - When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks, "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here ??
    - When you're eating something and someone asks 'Is that nice? 'No it's really revolting - I always eat stuff I hate.
    - People who announce they are going to the toilet. Thanks, that's an image I really didn't need.
    - McDonalds staff who pretend they don't understand you if you don't insert the 'Mc' before the item you are ordering.....It has to be a McChicken Burger, just a Chicken Burger gets you blank looks.


    I've seen the new Tim Burton : BIG FISH. It was just ... Great. I've understood that your conception of the world is neither good nor bad, neither right nor wrong, it's just YOUR way of thinking, YOUR ideas whatever people can thought about it !


    Question :

    You have to fall to learn how to ride a bike, so did you have to cry to learn how to love ?


    It's strange ... this tragedy in Spain makes me feel more Spanish that I used to feel ! I have Spanish family so I've always considered that a part of myself is Spanish but, now it's different. I mean I realized that I've spent all my vacations there, I was 18 month old the first time I went to see my great-father there. I've learned my first words of Spanish in Spain, discover an amazing culture and so on.
    And it's when my 'second country' is confronted with such events that I'm became aware of the chance I've had to discover a such beautiful country.

    Basta ya, PAZ ahora !

