What I've learned from yesterday night party at Karo's :
- Never mixed different alcohol.
- When you're drunk 80's music are the best.
- The Mister-Clumsy-Miss-Joy-and-all books are definitely great.
- My 69 shirt is cool.
- You can wear a jean, a dress, and a pink pull-over at the same time, and still be good looking.
- You don't see very well the 'dos d'âne' at night.
- ...
- And lot of other things I forgot because I was too busy try not to vomit. *kidding*
WE DID IT Sijeka and me !!!
I know I know ... I'm sure it can be difficult for some of you to believe, but we finally did it ! I dunno why today, maybe because we were both in a good moon. Ho God you feel so relax and happy after such a performance. I still hear her scream when we finished... And I'm very glad because I didn't think I can go that fast at the end (she was surprised of that by the way *lol*) !
Anyway, we did it ... we ran during 2.5km without stopping.
Yeah I'm talking about sport ... you're so sexually obsessed ! ;-)
I've just seen The Village today and I don't know what to think about it. I mean ... it's a weird feeling I can't say in english (sorry ... I wish I could be as good in english as you sijeka) J'aime le fond mais pas la forme ! Get the picture ?
Anyway, next week I think I'll play paintball with some friends, so wanna come ??
 Spécial dédicasse to Sijeka !
The mirror project : look at me here and here.
Thx Jess.