style="margin-top:50px; Sure.Fine.Whatever.
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.:AbOuT Me:.

European Law student, G. does not know what this is all about
sure.fine.whatever at gmail dot com



Tony Pierce

European Queerness

Cut the shit



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    Okay so it was my term today and the 2nd year of law definitely sucks. I have new subjects such as Politic Science or Public Finance .... Yeehaw so GREAT !!! (Yeah that's ironic)

    Anyway, a lot of people seems to have, you know those T-shirt with names of countries written on it, like Brazil, Jamaica or Argentina, that's okay, I understand (even if it's old-fashioned) but China or Japan ? I need an explanation.

    Ho and there's that thing, people say that I must be a fag because I have several gay friends and the 'gay world' seems cool for me, I mean gay people are nice, tolerant and totally free. So if I get the thing, I can't just be fucking great open-minded (à la Jessica lol) but only a fag, huh ?

    *Sorry dear reader(s) for that post, it's a bit disorganized but, ya know, I have too many things to say, plus that new term, the stress and so on, it's spoiled my inspiration !*


    I went something like 3 days ago to the department for the International students of my Uni (again), because I have to prepare my next year abroad.

    Me : Hi, I'm actually a student in law, I've already been here before and I would like to know if...
    State employee #1 : Where do you like to go ?
    Me : What ? Err ... well, Australia would be great, but...
    State employee #1 : Take the door in front of you.
    Me : Ho okay ,thx.
    State employee #1 : Mmm...

    Me : Hello, I would like to spend my 3rd year of law abroad, I've already said to you that I would choose Canada but Australia seems to be a pretty good option too so I ...
    Uptight State employee #2 : Only for Mathematics, Pharmacy or Agriculture.
    Me: Sorry ?
    Uptight State employee #2 : Only the students from the mathematics, pharmacy or agriculture department have got an exchange program with Australia.
    Me : (Agriculture ? WTF ?? because it's well-know that we've got many koalas' and kangaroos' breeding in France) *sigh*... I see, well and for the 'English part' of the Canadian country, I mean like Edmonton or Vancouver ?
    Uptight State employee #2 : Nothing.
    Me : *desperate* Ok ... well ... thx, good bye !
    Me : GOOD BYE !
    Uptight State employee #2 : Bye.

    Awwww ... I really don't know what would I do if I can't go to Montreal, my unique option . The town is great, I mean even if I haven't got the choice Montreal is good. But the thing is the university of Montreal and McGill are very selective so it's hard.

    We'll see... but for now I take advantage of my last days of holidays, tomorrow picnic with some friends.


    When you haven't got the choice, you change.

    I dunno why I didn't take the time to write about this fantastic O.Assayas' movie : Clean.
    A deposed rock star must give up drugs and her past way of life to get her son back. This melodrama takes place in a universe of music where the mantra is "sex, drugs and rock'n'roll".
    Maggie Cheung is just brillant, she has not received the Best Actress Award of the Cannes Film Festival 2004 for nothing.
    Pure art !


    The mirror Project , look at us : Jess & Me.


    Today, I went with Sijeka to our former high school and we met there Mr Dupin. Mr Dupin is my economic teacher.
    Okay I'm sure you're like: So what ? He's your teacher and what ?

    Well, the thing is Mr Dupin went with us when we went to Canada. So he has the image of the great teacher who was with us for that AMAZING experience plus the fact he is just a cool guy (I even know a girl who find him sexy),so we were pleased to see him.

    After the usual 'what's your life now?'-thing, he proposed us to come in his class. We immediately accept and then, enter the room full of pupils in their first year of high school, and he start the lecture.

    Then, we just went out of the room because miss Jessica wanted a soda. We knocked around the school and wait for Christophe (Mr Dupin) to finish his lecture in order to say a last goodbye.
    'Do you have time for a drink ?' he said.
    My economic teacher was asking if we had time for a drink! I know it's not like if he was asking for a date, but I wasn't expect that.
    The idea of having a drink with a teacher, a fortiori him (yeah latin locution, but I'm in law remember? lol) seems so cool that I/we said yes.

    So we had that drink, I know it's a normal thing but this situation was so surrealist for me, I was glad and excited.
    Nice day. :)


    Dead Disco by Metric.

    Skip town. slow down
    Push it to the east coast
    Step down turn around
    Push it to the west
    Need less, use less
    We're asking for too much I guess
    Cause all we get is...

    Dead disco
    Dead funk
    Dead rock and roll
    Everything has been done
    La la la la la la la la la la

    Tits out, pants down
    Overnight to London
    Touch down, look around
    Everyone's the same
    World wide, air tight
    No one's got a face left to blame
    And all we get is...

    Dead disco
    Dead funk
    Dead rock and roll
    Everything has been done
    La la la la la la la la la la

    Dead disco
    Dead funk
    Dead rock and roll
    Everything has been done
    La la la la la la la la la la

    I know, I know you tried to change things
    I know you tried to change
    I know


    I'm sick ! :(


    As we were walking on the way home, after running (well, walking is more realistic) Jess and I have discussed about how would we react if the plane in which we are, is crashing.

    First, we'll probably run in the business class to take the apero (hopeulà ta vu comment je l'ai placé celui-là lol), then, find a celebrity, sit next to him/her with a 'Kodak posture' so everyone will thought after our death that we were friend with a famous person.
    Plus the fact that we'll be very drunk because of the high altitude, so if we're lucky, most people will supposed we were making a party and not being alcoholics.

    Anyway, remember I've said I'll go to paintball ... well I did and it was so great, I think I'll renew the experience.


    Bloggers Blogging on Blogs.

    I was wondering what was the reason that makes a simple person thinks one day 'I want to be a blogger', or rather 'Today I create my blog'.
    Personally, it's thanks to Sijeka that I've discovered the "blogworld" and all the Blogger things.
    When I've started, a blog was for me a kind of book, read by people I don't know, and where I can wrote... well at the beginning I didn't know what to write, so it was a bit muddleheaded.
    And then, as one goes along, I enjoyed blogging, and start writing on subject I like.

    It's not (well, no more) a therapy for me but I'm sure blogging as became essential for some bloggers, so I must admit blogging can have a 'psychological issue', but for the others, blogging for dollars ?

    Well, you've got those who blog because they have to share secrets they can't share, so blogging is way to share without really sharing (get the picture ? lol), those who use blogs as an outlet for theirs anger/stress and so on.

    I dunno what kind of blogger I am (or I became), but I hope that even if I've no real reason to blog, my blog is cool ... I mean I hope you enjoy it.
    It's true sometimes my posts sucks because I haven't any inspiration but I still enjoy blogging so...

    So Jessica, I would like to say, first THX, and then even if I hope your lack of inspiration will end quickly, I understand you, blogging without enjoying it is useless.


    Hey look it's make me laugh and it's about Subtitles in american medias ! lol