And me... I look like I've smoked pot, no ?
 Jess by me
 Tic tac that's for Jess
 Muse by me
 Miss Aguilera
 Wife of a secret superhero
 Banania Y'a bon
Yesterday night, I went to the cinema with some friends and with A., the girl who turn me on (for the moment lol). And the thing is, I don't if she touched me because she wanted to or because she's clumsy, so I didn't react.
That really sucks, uh ?
Anyway, tonight (I'll be the naughty girl ... Sorry but every time I begin a sentence with 'tonight' I must song Beyonce's song, it's like a drug, but I'm aware that song is bad) I go to a dinner with some friends (all girls) so I'll bring my camera and take some pics and post it tomorrow so I'll have something fun to do ! And you'll see me and my new pant I felt in love with :)
Hey !
Guess who has get a stiff neck ? From the early morning until the middle of the afternoon I was stuck, leaning my head to the right. It was the first time it hurt so much. No really, it's not bullshit I almost cry ! But after several hours under hot water and neck massages, I fell (almost) better/normal.
Ok maybe I'm, like,... such a baby, BUT I didn't cry ! HA. See. I'm a MAN. YEAH !
Whatever !
Plus the fact I was afraid because I have a kind of date tonight so...
I hear that if you want to fully live your life you have to do 4 things:
- plant a tree.
- write a poem
- have sex with someone of your sex.
- kill someone.
Well, if you think about it, it's kind of true, no ?
Quizas, Quizas, Quizas !
 Well, it's a form of expression...
I was waiting for my mum, in front of the department of History of my Uni, when a man, who looks like Ziggy Marley wearing the-guy-of-Placebo's clothes (yeah quite strange uh? I would even say a bit scary) started talking to me :
Him: Hey you ! 'you looking for something ?
Me: Err... no. Why ?
Him: No, I mean, do you smoke ?
Me: Sorry, speak louder ?
Him: *desperate* Do you smoke ?
Me: HA smoke ! ... hahahah you mean like POT ?
Him: SHHHHHHHHH ! so you want some ?
Me: ha... err no sorry !
And then he ran away !
You Are "Wow"! |
Is that me or that's kind of ... err... porno ?