lalalalala don't like people lalalalala go fuck a tree...
As I was really fucking bored, I've made a drawing and find a couple of really great websites :
- The Thought Project : "A man stopped 150 strangers in the street and asked them what they were thinking about the second before he stopped them."
- Post Secret : "You are invited to anonymously contribute a secret to the PostSecretproject. Your secret can be a regret, fear, betrayal, desire, feeling, confession, or childhood humiliation. Reveal anything - as long as it is true and you have never shared it with anyone before."
What color is most reflective of you? Maybe RED.
How did you get the idea for your journal name? Dunno, it just came when Sijeka and I were trying to find a name for my blog.
What time were you born? 00:32.
What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing? Dead Disco by Metric.
Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry? Nope.
What color underwear are you wearing? Black.
Do you want a baby? Err… not for now.
What does your dad do for a living? He's a career soldier.
What does your mom do for a living? She’s always busy.
What is your pet's name? Tcheewan. Well that’s my sister’s cat but we live in the same house so it’s like it was my cat. But I have two gold fishes Dori & Bidule.
What color are your bedsheets? Blue.
What are the last 3 digits of your phone number? 759 (not necessarily in that order!).
What was the last concert you attended? Uh...
Who was with you? Jen.
What was the last movie you saw? Un petit jeu sans conséquence.
Who do you dislike most at this moment? A.
What food are you craving right now? Coco nut cake.
Did you dream last night? Yes.
What was the last tv show you watched? Nip/Tuck.
What is your fave piece of jewelry? The ring I wear.
What is to the left of you? A wall.
What was the last thing you ate? Cheese.
Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? I don't have one only best friend. I mean there is few people I consider as friends and they are all important to me.
Write a song lyric that's in your head?
Dead disco
Dead funk
Dead rock and roll
Everything has been done
La la la la la la la la la la
I know, I know you tried to change things
I know you tried to change
I know
Where is your signifigant other right now? I would like to know who she is first.
What shampoo do you use? I don’t know the name, but it smell good.
When was the last time you cut your hair? 3 weeks ago.
Are you on any meds? Yes, but nothing exciting.
Do you have a mental disease? Not that I'm aware of.
What shirt are you wearing? A black one.
What time is it? 15 :14
What color is your razor? Black and gray.
What is your fave frozen treat? Ice cream!
Are you sexy? SURE !
Whats your favorite shopping store? Redwood or Springfield, dunno.
Are you thirsty? No.
Can you imagine yourself ever getting married? Right now… err …. No !
Hey I'm back !
This week of skiing holidays was, well, let's say 'interesting''. The thing is I went skiing in the middle of France with two girls of my Uni, F. and A. So I've thought I would spend nice holidays but in fact in was really weird. Skiing was great, we had a cool weather so it was cool but that's that girl, A., she's just insane. Not insane in a good way as my Sijeka (no offence honey) but just fucking boring. really. She's moody.
One day she's like your best friend and the day after she won't speak to you because : she doesn't like people.
So can you imagine, we have spent all the week with that girl. She has almost spoiled my vacation. Fortunately, she has a snowboard so she couldn't do all the piste we've done so we had some time just for us, far away from that... moody gurl.
Anyway, that was nice, doing something else than what I was used to. Maybe that's what I needed to feel better and stop complaining about changing my life. But I still want to live far way from here.
I just hope the resumption of Monday will bearable.
PS: I'll post pictures of this week.
PPS: it was my 19th birthday the 19th.
Okay just forget what I've said, that's the same course but not the same teacher so I can't change... ha ! Too bad for me, thanks Muse for helping me !
Anyway tomorrow I'm in holiday and I go skiing after so I won't be able to access an internet point for something like one week, sorry !
Hey guys I need you. I have to do a course every Mondays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, but well THAT'S LATE, huh ?! So the solution is I have to go to the same course but Thursdays from 8:00am to 10:00am which is better. But, (because there's always a but... and often an even if but for my case here it's only a but) I have to give a real reason to change, so please help me find one !
I've thought about car-pooling but I'm not sure it's a good reason because well bus exist even if I prefer death than taking a bus full of people you don't know who come from you don't where...
WHATEVER... just help me ! PLEASE
 ... and I
You've got those who are having fun in Canada , those who fell in love with a French guy in the middle of UK, those who are writing a book about blog and those who are just writing a book but in the middle of New-Zealand. And those who, like me, have started failing their exams so don't mind if my post, like my english by the way, sucks !