style="margin-top:50px; Sure.Fine.Whatever.
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.:AbOuT Me:.

European Law student, G. does not know what this is all about
sure.fine.whatever at gmail dot com



Tony Pierce

European Queerness

Cut the shit



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    Tonight in front of a TV show with my parents. There was a game in that show, and.... whatever, the answer was R, the letter R which is the 18th letter of the alphabet.

    My mother : They are wrong, R is not the 18th letter.
    Me: Err... Yes it is, mum !
    My Mother : no look, ABCDEFGHIJK and R

    I've laugh so much.

    Anyway, after the show I went to bed so I closed my windows and I saw a guy in my neighbour's garden running as I saw him. So I told my parents the story, and then we saw light in my neighbour's house, so we've called them.
    It was my neighbour' son who was running after his cat.


    I've recently played the go-between and it works. Well, I didn't exactly act as a go-between I've just motivated the lady in fact.

    Blogging is like the slogan of the smoked salmons of my department : Savoir-Faire et Créativité. (I'm obsessed with that job, I know)

    Thanks to M. I realized I'm not crazy, I'm not the only one who sometimes, when you just start sleeping and you're in that semi-unconscious state, you can't sleep because there's a gesture blocked into your head, get the picture ?

    People said they don't know when I'm sad.

    I'm afraid of the future, don't tell anyone.

    Never underestimate the strengh of the self-persuasion.


    I don't know what to do. I really hate my job and if I work in that fucking supermarket it's to show my father I can work. The thing is my chief said to me I have to be careful or I'll get fired as I am slow and others things. Well, I'm slow 'cuz I hate that stupid job.
    Anyway, if I get fired, my father will be disappointed so maybe I should give up, but it's not sure I'll get fired.
    I want to be a millionaire !!!!


    Geoffrey - 'Cuz I'm on fire. says:

    Geoffrey - 'Cuz I'm on fire. says:
    ASV ?

    Jess _ you're not my girl you're just tired says:

    Jess _ you're not my girl you're just tired says:
    matt le tatoo

    Geoffrey - 'Cuz I'm on fire. says:
    ha ça me rapel les premiere fois ou javé internet et ou j'allé sur le chat on me demandé ASV et je savé pas ce ke ça voulé dire

    Jess _ you're not my girl you're just tired says:
    moi je save me apres le mec me demandait 'tu ve sucer'

    It's not I'm a bad blogger, of course not, I was linked in one post of Tony Pierce which is like being awarded to some international contest. The thing is instead of just blogging, I wonder if the topic I've chosen is good or if I'll have enough things to say about it. Sometimes, after writing like during half an hour I just delete everything because, dunno, it didn't worth a post.
    That's why I don't get used to blog a lot.
    Maybe if I write in French, it'd be different, but I've chosen English. But what blogging means to me has changed and I'll do like 99.99% of bloggers are doing : blogging about me, myself and I ! And as my mate Sijeka says : Every day is potentially bloggable.