I'm busy. Not because I'm struggling against the Uni so I can pass my 2nd year, I repeat a year and that's all. No it's because my dear friend Julie bought all the season of Buffy the vampire Slayer and I'm actually watching the 2nd and 3rd seasons. It reminds me my highschool years when I wanted to be a vampire. Haha.
So you've got Kate, she's with Andrew. Andrew likes girls, going to bar, and get drunk. Kate loves Andrew and wait for him all night long. She loves him so she's just accepting it even if it hurt her and made her cry. And when she's sad she goes to see her best friend Ashley or her best friend Edward (understand here the guy she doesn't sleep with)
On the other side, you've got Emily. She's with John. John is the good guy, always on time, he pays the restaurant and offers flowers. But your friend Emily told you about how boring her life is and why one night per month she became an Andrew.
Kate will be so afraid of Andrew finding another girl she'll marry him, and Emily will be so bored she will leave John. Then, John will become an Andrew !
fuck fuck Fuck Fuck fuck fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fukc fukc ufck fuck fuck fuck fukc ufkc ufkc fukc fuck fukc fukc fukc fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck !!
Dimanche. We've decided C. and me to take some vacations so we went to Bretignolles-Sur-Mer. As we were just arrived, we had an accident with some english people.
C: Désolée ! ça va ? English guy : Vous rendre compte ?!? Her: Vous voulez qu'on se gare ? Him: Pardon ? Her: Vous voulez qu'on se gare ? Him: Pardon ? Her: euh.... ça va ? Him: oui Us: D'accord, Merci et désolés !
And then we saw a piece of his car which just fell on the road so we laugh and took the opposite direction.
Lundi. Beach, sun bath and shopping, then a bit of tennis.
Mardi. Beach, sun bath and cinema.
Mercredi. We had planned to go but we decided to stay so Beach, sun bath. We also drunk too much this night.
Jeudi. Some birds are on our roof so we can't sleep. Anyway, we went to another beach where there were a lots of surfers and so a lot of girls too.
Vendredi. We came back, it took 6 hours instead of 3 and we didn't know why.
Samedi. Fucking supermarket that owe me like 50 euros.
Dimanche. ...
Today : Monday. Went to my Uni for my inscription. Saw some friends. Whatever.