style="margin-top:50px; Sure.Fine.Whatever.
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.:AbOuT Me:.

European Law student, G. does not know what this is all about
sure.fine.whatever at gmail dot com



Tony Pierce

European Queerness

Cut the shit



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    Best Jess' quotes of the year, it's in French as she's French even if it's just a question of time (or question of finding the right officials documents).

    #1 We're walking in the streets of Tours, and ya know... just talking : En fait Rennes c'est Tours version Re'na foutre !

    #2 I wasn't there but it was at some party, to some drunken guy : Non mais vas-y là va mettre ton pyjama !

    #3 Yesterday night, right before watching CSI new episode we were listening music : C'est K-os, ça déchire j'écoutais ça au Canada, vous connaissez pas ça vous ?



    Blair Witch Project




    Last Friday I've had to get up quite early because I had to go to my Uni to see a teacher for my next year abroad (I REALLY HOPE SO, if not I gonna be in a state of depression, really).
    Anyway, I finally arrived at my University and was looking for room D 123 where I was supposed to meet her. The thing is I can't find that room. I've found room B 123 or A 123 but no fucking D 123 ! So I decided to ask to some women who worked for the administration because they may know where is that room or at least where I can find the teacher.
    Me : Excuse me, I have to...
    Me : Only one question it's just I...
    Her : No no no GO AWAY ! LUNCH TIME !!
    And then she closed the door. I was late and if I don't find that teacher I might do not go to Canada next year !
    I decided to check all the rooms of my Uni one by one, it will takes times but I'll find that fucking room.
    Eventually, I was told the room I was looking for was in the new building that had been built near the library.
    I didn't thought it could be in that new building. So I finally find the room. I was 5 minutes late but I've found that room !
    The teacher, a nice women, I would say 30-something year old, was already in a meeting so she said I'll have to wait 5 to 10 min.

    12:05 I was waiting in that corridor and was dying of heat as I ran and was wearing a polo-neck.
    12:06 The corridor is RED and it makes me fell oppressed.
    12:08 I look around, there's nobody, probably all gone for lunch.
    12:12 okay, it should be my turn.
    12:13 soon...
    12:14 ...
    12:15 Maybe it's a kind of test to see if I'm really motivated.
    12:16 I look at the little notice on the door in behind of me, it's written Archives.
    12:17 I'm hungry...
    12:18 and I want to go to the toilet.
    12:19 Maybe I have time to go the toilet. But she could had finished her appointment in a minute. Better wait 1 or 2 minutes.
    12:20 I can leave my bag so she'll see I'll come back so I could go to the toilet. But imagine she doesn't see my bag and thinks I'm gone. I'll wait !
    12:25 Okay, see I'm motivated, so the test is done ?!?
    12:27 Hello ?
    12:30 An old men ask me why I'm here so I told him I wait for Miss O. because I have an appointment with here.
    12:32 She finally open that door... and told me : I'm sorry could you wait 10 minutes more ?
    SURE !!!!!!
    12:40 The slut, I mean the young student, she was in a meeting with finally comes out. She told me she's sorry.
    I can now speak with the teacher.

    The thing is the appointment last 10 minutes, and to sum up : it won't be easy for me !
    I hate people !




    I was waiting on the stairs of the town hall with Jessica about something like a 2 years ago. I was trying to find a title for my blog, and I thought : Sure.Fine.Whatever. The truth is I didn't find it like that. Two days before I was on the net, ya know surfing and stuff, and I was reading the best quotes of X-files. Sure, Fine.... Whatever that was one of Scully best sentences and I just like it so I took it.

    I told to people I'm bilingual. The truth is I can speak English, way much better than a French can do but I'm not bilingual at all, I still have lots of works to do.

    I think I've lied at least once or twice to each of my friends and they'll never found out. The truth is I don't know why but I can't lie on my blog.

    Even if I know what to do with myself, I mean for real, the truth is I would like to be an actor. I used to have drama course when I was younger. I really liked it and I was pretty good.

    I stole a pin to my cousin when I was 10. I've told her she lost it in the car. The truth is I had Obelix pin and she had Asterix pin. I wanted Asterix pin and as she just put it on the table I thought she didn't deserve it so I stole it.

    I thought I was in love with Jessica. The truth is I really, R.E.A.L.L.Y like her, and I mean it. It's an amitié amoureuse : I'm not in love but I'm fascinated by her, how at 6 she was reading books and not Harry Potter, how amazing (good or bad) things always happened to her, how intelligent and rock'n roll she is, how babe-a-licious is her designer friend. I'm so glad and proud to be one of her friends.

    People always say I'm a social butterfly or that I know a lot of people. The truth is as I don't like people I can't stand being with the same people more than 2 hours so I've got to see other people or I'll go crazy.

    I don't blog a lot these days and it's not because of that bad dawson's thing thatoccurredd. The truth is I don't want to be a bad blogger and I'm afraid of useless post so I don't post anything.

    Anyway if I can't look a bit appalled sometimes, the truth is I like my life.


    So I went to Rennes to see Metric on Tuesday. It was great, really. Not really what I expect but good anyway. Look at Sijeka's post about Metric if you wanna know the details (skip the first part when she got hit that's not about me nor the gig).

    The reason of my lack of post these days is because blogging has been spoiled. I've posted like 2 weeks ago something about a party I went to and I said it was fucking boring.
    One of the people who was there read it and then ya know like people can be, everyone wanted to read my blog to see what I wrote.
    The thing is I really do not care about what they thought or whatever, no really if you hear me people just go fuck a tree, it's just the problem that appeared after that. Fucking problem à la Dawson.
    So I was just blogging for fun and it become a kind of teenage drama or something.

    I just wish... oh whatever wishes never work anyway.
    Ho I still work for that supermarket by the way.