style="margin-top:50px; Sure.Fine.Whatever.
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.:AbOuT Me:.

European Law student, G. does not know what this is all about
sure.fine.whatever at gmail dot com



Tony Pierce

European Queerness

Cut the shit



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    Wife: That's what Bill said...
    Husband : Oh Fuck Bill !
    Wife : You shouldn't say that.
    Husband: Why ??
    Wife : Because I do fuck Bill. .... Well, in fact, He fucks me.

    Separates Lies. I really loved that movie. Ya know that's a typical English kind of movie, a bit like Match Point concerning the atmosphere, relaxing but anxious. It's a new genre of movie I discovered and I really appreciate it.


    I wish I could say the reason I did not post these days is because I have spent most of the time with my babe-a-licious girlfriend but well, I'm not a liar. But I had a social life, and plenty of friends to see. You know has no one can go to the Uni was always out with some friends. I even had new friends. We just go out and talk for hours in my car, then as it's 6 am we decide to go to some bakery and buy some pains au chocolats, brioches et autres croissants.
    Talking about my car, like a week ago I had a puncture on the parking of my university. So I've phoned my dad because I must admit I was expected he would come and change my wheel. But he was looking after my niece and my mum was I don't know where. I was with Laura who suggested we can go find someone in the university but no one was there. So that's why we've spent the next hour and a half changing that wheel all by ourselves. I'll never do that again, next time I'll pay someone to do it or whatever !
    - Anyway, yesterday night I went to a bar with Gaelle because we lived like less than 5 kms from each other but it's been like 6 months since we've talked. So we went to the Alexandra because she used to know the barman. I discover a new drink called XUXU : it's strawberry with vodka. That's dangerous because you don't have the taste of the vodka so you drink it like some fruit juice. He was so happy to see Gaelle he offered us our drink and make us try more vodka cocktails, I've really like the marshmallows and vodka one.
    - Good news I'll work in that bank this summer which means I'll quit that job in that supermarket, that's the best thing that could happen to me. No really, I'll take so much pleasure quitting that f****** supermarket.
    - And tonight I'll go to some party organized by the medical students and tomorrow night another one organized by the law students. It's funny as you can see it's two different worlds because the theme of the first one is roman orgy and of the second one is being class.